An archive made through time...

Ever since I can remember I've been collecting vintage objects, vehicles and curiosa. Some are rather frequent, some are rather rare. There is just something attractive about materials and machines from before my time. Is it the durability of these objects, the appealing look, or maybe the engineering behind those objects? I don't know. All I know is that I like to collect, preserve, or restore them. And if possible to learn as much of the history that is out there to know about the objects in our collection.

And of course over the years it's a human flaw to forget or lose information about the history of these objects. That is the main reason I founded 'Archive Mathuvis'. I want to collect and preserve as much info for the future. Not only for myself, but also for other people who find my archive usefull for their own restauration or so.

A man and good friend of mine once told me 'you're a keeper of the beautifull'. That saying has always stayed with me, and I think it's something everyone should do at some point. Being a keeper of the beautifull...


I also spend my time on recreating rare and hard to find parts for all sorts of old vehicles and objects. Looking for some difficult small parts for your project? Maybe I'm the one to help you further with your project! With 10+ years of experience in CAD/CAM/3D software I sure know my way in design and product development. Questions? Just contact me through the contact form in the top menu bar. Or go to my other website 'Mathuvis Engineering'. You can find the link below!

With that being said. Enjoy the website, and feel free exploring the archive made through time! :) 

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